Part of pulp mill: Tall oil plant (HDS technology)
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- Product ID: VAK11305
- Name: Part of pulp mill: Tall oil plant (HDS technology)
HDS cooker installed 2003
Two stage continuous cooking
- 1st stage, CO2 neutralisation
- 2nd stage, acidulation (possibility to use H2SO4 or waste acid)Average tall oil production 90 t/d (design capacity for the equipment is 170 ton/d and production depending on material)
Tall oil plant (HDS technology) [40-728, -751]
- – Tall oil reactor [KEM_728SL12177]
- Manufacturer: PRB Plastic, manufactured 2020
- Type and specification: material ECTFE/LM resin epoxy Derakane 470-36, volume 4,5 m3, design temperature + 100 deg C, design pressure -50… 100 mbar,
- – Tall oil cooker [KEM_728SL12178]
- Manufacturer: Terästorni, manufactured 2003
- Type and specification: material (structural parts) EN SS355J2G3 (critical parts SS2562 DIN 1.4539), vessel height 5,6 m, diameter top/bottom 4,3/2,8 m, design temperature 0 … +100 deg C, operating temp. +90 deg C
- Revamps:
- – 2017 repairs to the cooker vessel and completely new refractory lining
- – 2020 small area (~0,8 m3) revamped in the vessel and in the refractory lining
- Acid tank (H2SO4)
- Manufacturer: Muovityö Hiltunen, serial no 677, manufactured 2018
- Type and specification: material PVDF/LM resin epoxy Swancor 901-3, volume 19 m3, diameter 2,8 m, design temperature +80 deg C, design pressure 0,1 bar / -0,05 bar
- – Pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, mixers, etc included in the process and needed for running the process or operating the truck loading [40-728 and 40-751] are available without exceptions.